Our last meet the events team feature is dedicated to none other than the wonderful client liaison team! If you missed our last blog on the conference production team, make sure to head here.
The client liaison team are the people who make sure that the conference and forum workshops run smoothly. They ensure that you and the fund managers you meet have the highest quality experience possible at our events.
Client Liaison – Who we are:
Megan Andrews – Head of Event Content

On top of being in charge of the client liaison and conference production team, Megan puts to use her degree in interior design and gets together with our creative team to work on the literature and set design of our events! You can guarantee that Megan will be up to something wholesome during her free time, whether doing yoga, going to plant markets or hosting dinner parties for her friends! Whatever it is, she will be making sure her time is productive!
Francesca Digby – Senior Client Liaison

The most international member of the events team, Francesca grew up in South Africa, Bahrain and England. A hoarder of fun facts, she’s the person you need for anything you’re unsure about and was the champion of our first virtual pub quiz. On top of this, she somehow manages to always be the first in the office and last up at events. When Francesca is not busy concocting up a new cocktail you’ll find her on her bike or at a spin class!
Chernice Parsley – Client Liaison Executive

A beloved member of Citywire, Chernice started as a receptionist before our client liaison team quickly snatched her up! The most fashionable member of our events team, you can always be sure that Chernice will look her best whenever you see her at our conferences. She’s a passionate lover of all things animals, Ariana Grande and family (in that order), and the go to person to have a chat with when you’re in need of a break.
Dan Woodcock – Client Liaison Executive

Former Events Data Analyst and current Head of Event’s House Plant Welfare, Dan is the newest edition to the client liaison team. When not in quarantine, Dan is known to be a festival goer and always makes sure that we’re participating in the latest sweepstake! A dedicated runner, he’s also the 4th fastest runner in Citywire, per our 10k last year.
Citywire will be doing a virtual 10k this year via Strava, make sure to sign up here.