After a summer break, our events are back in full swing. With a couple of UK retreats to start us off, we are now in Switzerland for our first international retreat back and it could not be more beautiful.
If you have been to this event before you will already be aware of the amazing hotel that we use. Nestled in the Swiss mountains is the Gstaad Palace, which is our setting for this 2 day event.
Starting the event with our welcome dinner on the Wednesday was a treat with the lovely weather, stood outside looking out onto the mountains whilst the sun goes down. Our dessert buffet was also suspended above the pool adding a very cool element to the evening.
For Thursday, with 18 clients to see, it’s a busy day for our delegates so what better way to network than sat outside in the sun over lunch. Followed by a very interesting talk from Graham Cox on his hard won lessons from the worlds of special forces, diplomacy and intelligence and how to control people’s perception of you in order to win trust and build better client relationships.

After a delicious evening, everyone is straight back to client meetings on Friday morning. Some groups made full use of the sunny weather by holding their workshops on the balconies of their rooms (hopefully not getting too distracted by the view).
We can’t wait to see you all return next year!